DIG presents - Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir: SPOTTED

DIG presents - Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir: SPOTTED
Date 3rd - 4th May 2017 6.30pm - 7.30pm Price £9|£7 (plus £1 booking fee) / online transaction fee £1| phone transaction fee £1.50 Location Tramway Book tickets 0845 330 3501 0845 330 3501

Wednesday 3 & Thursday 4 May, 6.30pm
Recommended for ages 15+ (contains nudity)

In SPOTTED, the performers’ bodies are captured as overflowing containers. So full that they can no longer digest, make sense of or work through all the external information they receive and everything that pervades them without any subjective control or awareness. Numb and leaking, on the verge of passing as still lives, the performers make us question topics that relate to us directly, such as privacy, intimacy and isolation.

SPOTTED is a grimace of discontinuity; a glimpse of perfect individuality; a perversion where the achievers are in a state of spiritual absence; an investigation of animated objects unable to overcome their singular being; this separation or this very drive – the constituent execution or exhaustion.

 “The Berlin-based Icelandic choreographer Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir works with phenomenal consistency...... The compulsive vulnerability in the performance Spotted clings to the mind as an irritable yet great judgment of our time”.
Anna Angström, SvD Kultur