Scottish Ensemble and Andersson Dance: Prelude – skydiving from a dream

Scottish Ensemble and Andersson Dance: Prelude – skydiving from a dream
Date Every day from 9th Nov 2018 until 10th Nov 2018 7.30pm - 8.45pm Price £21 / Under-26 £11/ Student £8/ Unemployed £6* /Under 16s free* / Carers free*. Booking fee inc. in ticket. (Transaction fee £1 online/ £1.50 by phone) All ages Location Tramway Book tickets 0845 330 3501 0845 330 3501 Booking fee included in ticket price.

Musicians and dancers blur their roles and break the rules in this new co-production exploring the very human paradox at the root of three extraordinary pieces of music: our need to seek out order amongst disorder, and our urge to tear it all apart.

From amongst the overwhelming precision of Bach’s Art of Fugue and the dark, wild chaos of Lutoslawski’s Preludes emerges a piece that has been both celebrated and derided, lauded and dismissed: Beethoven’s Grosse Fugue.

Combining dynamic choreography from Andersson Dance with razor-sharp live performance from Scottish Ensemble, Prelude - skydiving from a dream delves into the delicious contradictions of the subconscious mind, from the absurd to the logical, the irrational to the soothingly clear. 

Including the live performance of

Beethoven, Grosse Fugue
Plus extracts from J. S. Bach, The Art of Fugue
And preludes from Lutosławski, 13 Preludes and Fugue for Solo Strings

Andersson Dance is a contemporary dance company based in Stockholm. Working with a constellation of artists – from dancers to composers to lighting and costume designers – and led by choreographer Örjan Andersson, they create works from the intimate to the large-scale, very often centred around musical exploration, collaborating with singers, musicians and composers. Commissioners and collaborators have included Cullberg Ballet, Netherlands Dance Theatre, NorrlandsOperan, Bern:Balett, Royal Swedish Ballet, Folkteatern (Hamlet, 2017) and Folkoperan (Carmen Moves, 2016).

Scottish Ensemble is the UK’s leading string orchestra; a collective of outstanding musicians championing music for strings. Led by violinist Jonathan Morton, SE crosses genres, styles, musical periods and art forms to create new connections and offer new perspectives, whilst delivering rewarding live performances of the highest quality. Increasingly known for their bold and adventurous collaborations with artists from other fields, SE perform across Scotland, the UK and internationally.

Prelude - skydiving from a dream has been made possible with support from Creative Scotland, The Swedish Arts Council, Stockholm Stad, the Swedish Embassy in London, and organised in collaboration with the Adam Mickiewicz Institute as part of the Polska Music programme. 



Ludwig Van Beethoven     Grosse Fugue

and extracts from
Witold Lutosławski     Preludes and Fugue for 13 Solo Strings*

Johann Sebastian Bach     The Art Of Fugue

*Preludes only (1 - 7). 

By arrangement with Chester Music Limited

Creative team
Choreography - Örjan Andersson
Musical direction - Jonathan Morton
Production - Andersson Dance | Scottish Ensemble | Nordberg Movement
Costume design - Bente Rolandsdotter
Costume assistants - Klara Landin Larsson | Linnea From
Set and light design - Tobias Hallgren | Örjan Andersson
Set and light assistant - Joakim Ahlström
Lighting engineer - Ben Stimpson
Sound design and engineer - Jonathan Green
Additional sound design - BJ Nilsen

Made possible with support from Creative Scotland, The Swedish Arts Council, Stockholm Stad and the Swedish Embassy in London, and organised in collaboration with the Adam Mickiewicz Institute as part of the Polska Music programme.