Mark Leckey: Nobodaddy

Mark Leckey: Nobodaddy
Date 20th Apr - 2nd Jul 2018 Price Free - Drop-in - no ticket required All ages Location Tramway

For his solo exhibition at Tramway, Turner Prize-winning artist Mark Leckey has taken inspiration from a small statuette of the biblical figure of Job on display in the Wellcome Collection in London. In the galleries, Leckey scales up the statue to human proportions and converts the figure into a 7.1 surround sound audio system.

For the artist “All Sci-Fi begins with archaeology and from the various speakers embedded in the figures open wounds, the limbs form a chorus that sings the tale of the now emptied out body. Part Dalek, part Abandoned House, now merely a Thing amongst Things. The Spirit has departed the Flesh.”

This exhibition is co-commissioned and co-curated by Glasgow International and Tramway. 

It has been made possible due to the generous support of the Wellcome Collection, London, and the Henry Moore Foundation.

Image: Mark leckey, Containers and Their Drivers (2016). Courtesy of the artist and Pablo En-riquez