Oliver Laric

Oliver Laric
Date 21st Jan - 19th Mar 2017 Price Free - Drop-in - no ticket required All ages Location Tramway

Tramway presents a solo exhibition by Berlin based artist Oliver Laric (b.1981, Innsbruck, Austria). Laric’s practice, which comprises sculpture, video and installation, explores both historical and contemporary image economies. In particular, his work attends to the dynamic context of images: how they move, transform and replicate as part of an ever changing visual culture.

Oliver Laric studied at the Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien. Recent solo projects include: Photoplastik, Secession, Vienna (2016), TF, Kaikai Kiki Gallery, Tokyo (2015), Oliver Laric, CCA, Tel Aviv (2015) and Black Box: Oliver Laric, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington (2014). Recent group exhibitions include: Liverpool Biennial, (2016), L’image Volée (curated by Thomas Demand), Prada Foundation, Milan (2016), Electronic Superhighway, Whitechapel Gallery, London (2016), New Museum Triennial: Surround Audience, New Museum, New York (2015) and Inhuman, Fridericianum, Kassell (2015).